We can only be said to be truly alive in those moments
when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
- Thornton Wilder
"Be in the moment": to say and actually do this, are more times than many, very difficult, and at the same time, very easy. We go through moments looking backwards-either focusing on past things, or focused so far into the future you miss everyday moments. Many of us do this, I should know, I used to be one of them.
You have those that look backwards, and usually see the negative, and focus on these things on why positive things never happen to them. It's how it always has been, nothing changes. Or they look at the positives of the past with a longing of great days gone by and spend time reminiscing because they are afraid or cannot accept inevitable change. The past in these instances can be a vicious cycle a maze that they just cannot escape from leaving them feeling alone and in the dark.
You have the others, the "Reachers" who strive, always reaching for the next best thing, in a "positive" edge...when I do this, I will be happy, if I accomplish this or have this, then I am worthy, only to get to that point to reach further, feeling empty and unfulfilled. The negative striving is usually by giving up before even considering, I can't, it's impossible. I just have to accept that I will never ____ (fill in aspiration here). Leaving them always wanting for the next best thing.
Do any of these things sound familiar? Probably-a lot of people are a combination of these, both positive and negative spins, looking backwards and forwards but usually never living and being right where they are. I still do this more than I care to admit, but by being honest with yourself is a good way to move forward to try and just be.
JUST BE. Two simple words, and sometimes the most scary thing to try.
Today, I got up to run, just a regular day-not feeling amazing, not bad-just what would be an ordinary day. I sat awhile in silence with my coffee, waiting for it to be light enough to run, I thought of other runs. Many times, when my best friend and I would be in a training run, I would spend many of those moments in my head-filling myself with doubt, or focusing on everything but what was occurring...she has this way of knowing what I'm doing in my head and then has an uncanny ability to give me per verbal shakes which snaps me right back to reality...and sometimes it can be a very unpleasant experience. Other times it is a gentle, loving reminder that, I'm focusing on things not occurring now...I used to get frustrated, and sometimes I still do, but mostly, I am so grateful for it.
Each experience we have, is seen through the filter of our past, and current perceptions. To be able to take the time, to see and experience life, as many, many little moments, just as they are neither good nor bad and live in those moments as often as possible. When you do that, it is so much more than existing; it is living. Those moments will fill your heart with amazing wonder and transform an ordinary run into a great experience.
Beautiful, colorful flowers, covered in morning dew, scattered along the way at the base of some housing plans few and far between.
I could feel the burn of my legs and the quickening of my breath as I charged up the hills, the sting of the sweat and the wind on the down hills...the calming rhythm of a run, steady and strong. Not just a run, but great moments.
I am not saying deny your past-those experiences, have made you who you are. You cannot change it, so you might as well accept it, embrace it and then let go what doesn't serve you and build on and learn from what does. I am also not saying to go through life without goals. Goals are great to have, but to be happy and accepting with an achievement, you must be happy and accepting and loving of yourself NOW.
What I am saying is, to be in as much of every moment, as often as you can, or you will miss so much! It doesn't have to be a spectacular event. Sometimes it is the most ordinary moment that can be extraordinary; like sitting a park, in the sun, watching happy gators, by the fountain, swinging on a swing talking about dreams and every day occurrences. It makes those memories so very, very precious. Because when that moment is gone, you cannot get it back. What I wouldn't give for another moment like that! But I am left with rich, beautiful memories which can never be taken away.
When we start to not let our past define us, or have limitations on our futures, and love and accept moments as they are: fleeting impermanent, ever changing then there is nothing you can't accomplish. Love is the central theme: yourself, others, moments as fully and as present as you can.
"Sometimes you just need someone to truly believe in you, there is greatness in that"
When this happens, your heart can be filled and life is truly a treasure.
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